{"id":70849,"date":"2023-03-27T22:28:48","date_gmt":"2023-03-28T02:28:48","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/sciencesensei.com\/?p=70849"},"modified":"2023-04-20T08:28:51","modified_gmt":"2023-04-20T12:28:51","slug":"real-life-glitches-in-the-matrix","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/dev.sciencesensei.com\/real-life-glitches-in-the-matrix\/","title":{"rendered":"Real Life Glitches In The Matrix that Are Impossible To Ignore"},"content":{"rendered":"

The Matrix series was one of the most inventive and impressive science fiction stories of all time. It manages to stand out today because people are often seeing “evidence” for some Matrix tropes being real. One such concept is the idea of “glitches,” where just like in a video game or computer program<\/a><\/strong>, the world around us has problems. The way to know there is an issue with one of these programs is often through glitches, which for a video game might be eyes missing or body parts not being where they are supposed to be. These “glitches in the Matrix” are sometimes present in our reality too.<\/p>\n

Some of the supposed glitches are not really a glitch and might just be something small. This could be finding two people who are wearing the same clothing or a few people moving at the exact same time, seemingly in lockstep. These might be common for NPCs in video games, but it is no glitch. Then you have things that are hard to explain or come across as scientifically odd. That is what our article is going to be focused on. Just so you’re aware, we use the “Matrix” term like it is used within the “glitch in the Matrix” term. This means that the Matrix term will stand for a “false reality” or “simulated reality.” With that said, let’s talk glitches!<\/p>\n

[Image via Jeuts\/Imgur]<\/em><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

The Chair Matrix<\/strong><\/h2>\n

We’re not really sure how or why this type of image makes our eyes go nuts, making us assume there are glitches in the matrix. Yet it seems to occur simply out of what we perceive to be normal. When we look at the world around us, our brains judge the things we see. Yes, this means we often pre-judge people, places, and even possible events. This is an unfortunate reality. With that said, an image like this makes our brains go haywire<\/strong><\/a>. The chairs are clearly stacked up, one on top of the other. There is also a bar in the front. However, due to how they are stacked and how many are present, the chairs appear to be distorted at first glance.<\/p>\n


[Image via MingzhePhoton\/Shutterstock.com]<\/em><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

Reality As You Know It, Does Not Exist<\/strong><\/h2>\n

While most of us are used to reality as we’ve come to know it, this might not be acceptable for much longer. Researchers at the Australian National University<\/a><\/strong> have made us really think about our stance here. They conducted an experiment that supported evidence surrounding weird causal properties, which are technically inherent in quantum theory. Basically, while it did not necessarily completely prove this, the experiment showed them that reality does not actually exist. At least, not until it is measured at the atomic scale. What does this have to do with glitches in the matrix? The experiment proves that these glitches are likely legitimate!<\/span><\/p>\n


[Image via Pinterest]<\/em><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

The Cat And The Stairs<\/strong><\/h2>\n

Years back, there was a popular image online<\/a><\/strong> that involved a cat and a set of stairs. At first glance, it seemed pretty obvious. The cat is walking on the steps, but it goes much deeper than that. If you’re asked which direction the cat is going – up or down – the image becomes quite complicated. Everyone is seeing what they believe at first glance and they choose to accept this first-glance look. This is one of the glitches in the matrix that people see and cannot truly explain. However, there is an explanation. The cat is stationary, not moving. It is going downstairs and upstairs, as the artist put it right in the middle to make us wonder about the direction.<\/p>\n


[Image via Jenn Barkley]<\/em><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

Basic White Girl Attire<\/strong><\/h2>\n

Sometimes, you think you’re about to put on the cutest outfit to wear out with the girls. Only to find out that they wore the exact same thing as you did. From the pants all the way to the jean jacket<\/strong><\/a>. What are the odds? While some might see this as just another example of major glitches in the Matrix…it might also be possible to explain it too. Think about this for a minute, if you will. You’re wearing something that you like and you have friends with a similar style to your own. Therefore, it is quite possible they too will have the same things. It is also possible, based on your activity, that they will wear these items together just like you did.<\/p>\n


[Image via Britannica]<\/em><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n


Perhaps the most off-putting thing people will bring up when you see two of the exact same people. Twins, triplets, even quadruplets, and so on are nothing new to science. We’ve had them for many centuries<\/strong><\/a> and will continue to see them in the future. It should also be noted that even identical twins are not actually identical ultimately. They appear that way at first glance, especially when they are younger as there is some fascination with dressing them just alike too. Yet there are differences between them. Therefore, while some might think twins are glitches in the matrix, they aren’t.<\/p>\n


[Image via Lia Koltyrina\/Shutterstock.com]<\/em><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

Are Our Dreams Glitches In The Matrix?<\/strong><\/h2>\n

When you think about it, dreams are always weird<\/strong><\/a>. We often wake up right in the middle of them, and we rarely ever get to finish something out. Yet there are also times when something we saw in a dream turns up in real life. We did not try to force that to happen, it just did. When this happens, it can certainly feel like there are glitches in the Matrix. As if we were given a vision from an inventor, like previews for a movie or the next episode of a television show. Did we just witness something we were not supposed to see in our dream? Sure, most dreams are just a combination of things our imagination puts together but still!<\/p>\n


[Image Via New Rockstars\/YouTube]<\/em><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

Do You Remember The Berenstain Bears?<\/h2>\n

The Berenstein Bears Mandela effect<\/a><\/strong> refers to a phenomenon where a significant number of people remember the popular children’s book and TV series, “The Berenstein Bears,” being spelled with an “e” instead of an “a” in the title. Specifically, many people remember the title being spelled “Berenstein” instead of “Berenstain.” This discrepancy has led some to speculate that there has been a shift in the timeline or a parallel universe where the spelling was different. However, the explanation is likely more mundane – it’s simply a case of false memory or misremembering, where the mind fills in gaps or makes assumptions based on how words are usually spelled. In fact, the official spelling has always been “Berenstain” and can be confirmed through various sources such as the original books, merchandise, and official documents.<\/p>\n
