{"id":37170,"date":"2021-06-16T10:16:52","date_gmt":"2021-06-16T14:16:52","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/sciencesensei.com\/?p=37170"},"modified":"2024-01-16T13:40:05","modified_gmt":"2024-01-16T18:40:05","slug":"35-giant-movie-bloopers-even-the-biggest-movies-cant-hide","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/dev.sciencesensei.com\/35-giant-movie-bloopers-even-the-biggest-movies-cant-hide\/","title":{"rendered":"35 Giant Movie Bloopers Even The Biggest Movies Can’t Hide"},"content":{"rendered":"

Movies possess the extraordinary ability to whisk you away to alternate realms, yet they are crafted by human hands, which inevitably introduces imperfections into their narratives. In this list, you will find out how even the most hardworking and talented directors and actors made mistakes in their movies.
\nGet ready with your popcorn and delve into the following revelations about movies that contained colossal blunders, lurking unnoticed until this very moment!<\/p>\n


Those Chocolate Chip Cookies Didn’t Exist Yet<\/h2>\n

The Aviator, released in 2004, achieved both critical acclaim and financial success. Among its memorable scenes, one showcases Howard Hughes, portrayed by Leonardo DiCaprio, indulging in the purchase of chocolate chip cookies.<\/p>\n


Well, it is a blooper because the writers didn’t realize that chocolate chip cookies weren’t invented until 1930, which is two years after the movie was set.<\/p>\n


Django Unchained – Sunglasses<\/h2>\n

This 2012 hit film made an error which many people noticed, and many didn’t. In the movie Django (played by Jamie Foxx) wore sunglasses. However, it’s worth noting that during the time period depicted in the film, chocolate chip cookies were not commonly available and were primarily utilized under medical prescription.<\/p>\n


Despite this historical inaccuracy, Jamie Foxx’s exceptional performance in the movie captivated audiences, causing many to overlook or forgive this significant error.<\/p>\n


Titanic – Lake Wissota<\/h2>\n

Titanic soared to become the highest-grossing film of all time, captivating both audiences and critics alike with its immense success. However, most viewers didn’t notice that Jack (Leonardo DiCaprio) tells Rose that he and his father used to fish in Lake Wissota.<\/p>\n


While Titanic presented a compelling narrative for sharing with a girl, a notable discrepancy arises: the Titanic met its fateful end in 1912, whereas Lake Wissota came into existence in 1917.<\/p>\n


Braveheart – Wearing A Kilt<\/h2>\n

This American epic historical fiction war film earned ten Academy Award nominations and secured five wins. However, an incongruity arises as the character of William Wallace, portrayed by Mel Gibson, is depicted wearing a kilt, which deviates from historical accuracy.<\/p>\n


It is because Scots used to wear them, but not in 1300 in which the movie was set. Wearing a kilt became popular in the 1600s.<\/p>\n


Apple Stocks? No Such Thing in 1975<\/h2>\n

Indeed, this particular mistake is quite amusing. In the movie Forrest Gump, a letter from Apple reaches the titular character, yet the film is set in 1975, which predates the establishment of Apple as a company.<\/p>\n


Surprisingly, the famous rainbow logo of Apple was not designed until the following year, and Apple became a publicly traded company in 1981.<\/p>\n


Gladiator – “The Spaniard”<\/h2>\n

For all the devoted fans of Russell Crowe and his renowned portrayal of Maximus Decimus Meridius, an interesting fact surfaces. In the film, his character is also referred to as ‘The Spaniard.’ However, it’s worth noting that ‘The Spaniard’ is an old French term coined in the 1300s, which presents a historical inconsistency.<\/p>\n

Gladiator - \"The Spaniard\"<\/p>\n

It was a silly mistake from the writers as the Gladiator movie was set in 180 AD, a thousand years earlier!<\/p>\n


The Dark Knight – Spell Check<\/h2>\n

Christopher Nolan is often hailed as a perfectionist, yet even the most meticulous individuals can overlook an occasional proofreading error. Such was the case with him and his team, as they inadvertently missed a mistake in their work.<\/p>\n


By the way, the word “Heist” can even make the fans of Money Heist a bit angry.<\/p>\n


The Hurt Locker – Xbox Games<\/h2>\n

In an amusing oversight, the movie features characters engrossed in a game on the Xbox 360. However, this blunder becomes apparent as the Xbox 360 was not launched until 2005, and the specific game they are playing, Gears of War, was released in 2006.<\/p>\n


As the movie took place in 2004, this little error is enough to make it on our list.<\/p>\n


Wait, You’re Not Supposed to be in the Shot!<\/h2>\n

The beloved Harry Potter film series is brimming with bloopers, which is not entirely surprising considering that a significant portion of the cast consisted of young actors. Their youthful energy and natural exuberance likely contributed to the abundance of amusing on-set mishaps. But there is one particular blooper that is absurd and unbelievable.<\/p>\n


You may remember the scene in which Malfoy is on the ground, and Hogwarts students are looking at him. In that particular scene, a discernible cameraman unintentionally makes an appearance, leading one to wonder if the editors were perhaps less attentive during the post-production phase. It leaves room for speculation as to what might have influenced their level of focus during the editing process.<\/p>\n


Pirates of The Caribbean – Granny Smith Apples<\/h2>\n

For those who cherish the Pirates of the Caribbean film series, an observant eye might catch Captain Barbossa’s fondness for apples. In a particular scene, he can be seen indulging in a Granny Smith apple. However, an intriguing anachronism surfaces as Granny Smith apples were not cultivated until 1868, nearly 140 years after the film’s setting.\"Pirates<\/p>\n

Even if you love apples and the Pirates of The Caribbean<\/em>, we’re sure you didn’t know about this fact.<\/p>\n


Lord Of The Rings – Gandalf’s Watch<\/h2>\n

Gandalf, renowned for his wizardry prowess, surprises us with an unexpected interest in not only the Ring but also watches. While his quest revolves around the Ring, the inclusion of watches in his fascination adds an intriguing and unforeseen dimension to his character. In one battle scene, you can notice that he was wearing a watch. Although not many people noticed the blooper, some people were quick to point it out. Even if the audiences had noticed the inclusion of the watch, it is highly likely that their admiration for the film and its characters would remain unaffected.<\/p>\n


The charm and appeal of the story are so compelling that minor details like this would not significantly alter the overall fan experience.<\/p>\n


Gladiator – Gas Canister<\/h2>\n

Here is another notable error from the film Gladiator. While the movie itself was undoubtedly remarkable, it is perplexing how a mistake of this nature managed to elude the attention of the post-production team. The error is from one of the most famous scenes from the film, and we can clearly see a gas canister in the back of a chariot.<\/p>\n


We are somewhat happy that they didn’t cut this scene because this blooper has become quite popular as well.<\/p>\n


Back to The Future…It Was Only Three Years Before<\/h2>\n

For ardent fans of the movie, it’s hard to forget the iconic scene in which Marty McFly travels back in time to 1955 and steals the show at a high school dance with a mesmerizing performance on a Gibson ES-345 guitar.<\/p>\n


It is a big blooper because the ES-345 wasn’t even produced until 1958. Maybe it only happens in time traveling.<\/p>\n


Troy – Airplane<\/h2>\n

The 2004 film Troy garnered immense critical acclaim and achieved substantial commercial success, possessing all the essential elements to create a truly memorable cinematic experience. The main character, Achilles (played by Brad Pitt), was brilliant, and the director, Wolfgang Petersen, was superb as well. However, the movie itself wasn’t perfect, as it has many mistakes in it. Keen-eyed viewers were quick to spot an airplane soaring above Achilles during an outdoor scene in the film Troy.<\/p>\n


However, it was later revealed that the airplane was actually a cleverly crafted hoax, expertly photoshopped as part of a contest, rather than an authentic on-screen occurrence. Still, there are many bloopers and mistakes in the film, and all you need to do is look closely.<\/p>\n


15.300 Movie – Black Powder<\/h2>\n

While watching the movie, this error may have been something that crossed your mind. You see, the Xerxes army tries everything to beat the Spartans and even use bombs to defeat them.<\/p>\n


This error holds significant weight as the invention of black powder did not occur until the 9th century, rendering its inclusion in the movie a notable historical inaccuracy. The movie is excellent but not historically correct.<\/p>\n


Sherlock Holmes – Geography Matters<\/h2>\n

Sherlock Holmes is an exceptional movie to indulge in, particularly due to its captivating chase scene that culminates in a thrilling pursuit from the sewers to the iconic Tower Bridge.<\/p>\n


However, the issue with it is that the sewers at the Houses of Parliament and Tower Bridge are over two miles apart. So, it is not feasible at all.<\/p>\n


Spy Kids – Cameraman In The Way<\/h2>\n

This beloved children’s classic from 2001 has garnered a vast fan base worldwide. The movie revolves around the Cortez siblings, who make the startling discovery that their parents are spies and embark on a daring mission to rescue them when they are taken captive.<\/p>\n


In one scene, we see that Carla Gugino is sitting in front of the vanity mirror, and you can clearly see a cameraman with a pale purple shirt. By the way, it’s worth mentioning that the film also contains numerous other mistakes and bloopers for eagle-eyed viewers to spot and enjoy.<\/p>\n


Spider Man – Self-Repairing Lamp<\/h2>\n

It won’t be wrong to say that Spider-Man started the superhero movie trend back in 2002. In the movie, the character Peter Parker, portrayed by Tobey Maguire, uncovers his web-shooting ability and proceeds to experiment with it in his room. However, during his trials, an unintended consequence occurs, leading to the unfortunate breaking of a lamp.<\/p>\n


However, moments later you can see that the lamp is back on the shelf again and there is not even a single scratch on it. How is that even possible?<\/p>\n


The Usual Suspects – Not The Same Plane<\/h2>\n

The Usual Suspects stands as a pinnacle among neo-noir mystery movies, acclaimed for its enthralling narrative. Furthermore, it boasts a stellar ensemble cast, comprising some of the finest talents in the industry. In the film, you can see that the characters are about to rob a police car near the airport.<\/p>\n


The first scene shows the front of a 747 with four engines, and moments later, the second scene shows the back of a 767 with two engines. No one can still figure out the mystery behind it. Do you have anything to add?<\/p>\n


Independence Day – Got The Address Wrong<\/h2>\n

In the film, an explosive spectacle unfolds as the Empire State Building is engulfed in chaos. However, keen observers may have discerned a notable discrepancy between the depicted location of the building and its real-life address.<\/p>\n


In the movie, the address of the building is 53rd street, but the Empire State Building is on 34th street in real-life.<\/p>\n


That Baby Looked Stiff as a Board in American Sniper<\/h2>\n

With a multitude of favorable reviews and six nominations at the 87th Academy Awards, this 2014 American biographical war drama film garnered significant acclaim. Ultimately, it triumphed in the category of Best Sound Editing, securing one well-deserved accolade. It explains a lot because, in one particular scene, many viewers quickly notice that the baby in the arms of Chris Kyle (played by Bradley Cooper) is limp and lifeless.<\/p>\n


The decision to utilize a doll in the film was attributed to the renowned director, Clint Eastwood, who recognized the challenges of directing infants. Opting for a doll provided greater control and ease during the filming process. The scene somewhat ruins the fun of a movie that is quite good.<\/p>\n


The Patriot – Totally Ageless<\/h2>\n

After viewing The Patriot, one undeniable realization is that depicting aging in a film that spans numerous years can become intricate and cumbersome.<\/p>\n


We don’t know if you noticed it or not, but no one ages in the movie, not even the children.<\/p>\n


Panic Room – Don’t Fall Asleep In Chemistry Class<\/h2>\n

In the movie, Jodie Foster lights a propane canister in an attempt to avoid the rising canister. Nevertheless, the predicament arises from the fact that propane, being heavier than air, would effortlessly descend to the floor, making it improbable for the canister to remain upright.<\/p>\n


However, the issue is that propane is heavier than air, and it means that the canister would easily fall on the floor.<\/p>\n


The Sound Of Music – Good Luck!<\/h2>\n

Just as the Von Trapp family endeavors to push their car through the gates of the house, their progress comes to an abrupt halt when they are unexpectedly intercepted by Nazis. After some tense moments, Herr Zeller is allowed to take part in the music festival and as Maria and the Captain go to the front of the car he gives them the fingers crossed “good luck” sign.<\/p>\n


Contrary to its popularity in most English-speaking countries, the practice of crossing fingers as a gesture of good luck is not commonly used in many German-speaking regions of the world. Rather, Herr Zeller should have pressed his thumbs, also known as the “Daumen drucken.”<\/p>\n


Okay, So Not Everything is Historically Accurate in Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade<\/h2>\n

While the visually dramatic scenes depicting the burning of books by the Nazis in the movie may have been compelling, it is worth noting that these events were portrayed in the year 1938, whereas the actual book burning occurred in 1933.<\/p>\n


We really loved the film, but we still can’t forgive it for not accurately depicting history.<\/p>\n


Malcolm X – Somebody (Can’t) Call 911<\/h2>\n

We notice in the movie that Malcolm X yells out for someone to call 911 when his home is under fire.<\/p>\n


However, a crucial point to consider is that the issue lies in the fact that 911 was not established until three years after the assassination of Malcolm X took place.<\/p>\n


Saving Private Ryan – Motorcycle Troubles<\/h2>\n

In the commercially and critically acclaimed film Saving Private Ryan, Captain Miller, portrayed by Tom Hanks, leans against a Ural M-63 model motorcycle as he sustains injuries.<\/p>\n


The problem with this particular scene is that the model of motorcycle did not exist until 18 years after the film was set.<\/p>\n


Dallas Buyers Club – Lamborghini Aventador<\/h2>\n

Matthew McConaughey is renowned for infusing vitality into every character he portrays, and he delivered an exceptional performance in this film as well. In the film, he plays the role of Ron Woodroof, who has HIV\/AIDS in 1985.<\/p>\n


Nevertheless, there is a particular scene in which a poster featuring a red Lamborghini Aventador is visible in the background, posing a problem as the sports car was introduced in 2011, creating an anachronism in the shot.<\/p>\n


John Dillinger’s Already Died Before His Hit List Victims<\/h2>\n

In the movie, John Dillinger is depicted as killing both Babyface Nelson and Pretty Boy Floyd. However, a significant issue arises as John Dillinger actually died before either of them, creating a historical inaccuracy in the storyline.<\/p>\n


We have no idea why the writers, or anyone else, did not notice this massive timeline discrepancy. Or maybe they noticed it and decided not to do something about it.<\/p>\n


The Shawshank Redemption – The Poster<\/h2>\n

Any film enthusiast would readily include this movie on their top ten list without hesitation. It is a brilliant masterpiece, and the scene where Andy Dufresne ingeniously conceals his escape tunnel with a Raquel Welch poster is simply breathtaking.<\/p>\n


Columbia Pictures<\/a><\/p>\n

However, the error is that the poster of Raquel Welch is from the poster of “One Million Years B.C.,” which came out one year after The Shawshank Redemption<\/em> was set.<\/p>\n


Straight Outta Compton – Eazy-E’s Hat<\/h2>\n

Straight Outta Compton stormed into theaters as a box office smash, captivating audiences worldwide. This film chronicles the meteoric ascent and eventual disbandment of the notorious California rap group NWA. Although the movie was enjoyed by many, there was one thing that fans couldn’t help but notice.<\/p>\n


One of the main characters, Eazy-E, is a big fan of the Chicago Whitesox as can be seen by his choice of hat. The problem? The film takes place in 1986 when the Chicago Whitesox logo was completely different and used gray, blue, and red. Whoops!<\/p>\n


Halloween – California Palm Trees<\/h2>\n

While the film is set in a fictional town in Illinois, upon closer inspection of the background, keen observers may spot the presence of Californian palm trees, inadvertently revealing a geographical inconsistency.<\/p>\n


It may not be a huge deal for many people, but this is something that many Californians noticed.<\/p>\n


Can’t the Director of Harry Potter Get Those Eye Colors Right?<\/h2>\n

The sentiment often echoed by those who have delved into the world of Harry Potter through the books is that the movies do not quite measure up in comparison. It became evident when the creators of the Harry Potter film series didn’t take into account what J.K. Rowling wrote about Harry having the same color eyes as his mother. A notable discrepancy between the books and the films lies in the portrayal of the mother’s eyes.<\/p>\n


While the author described them as green in the books, they are depicted as blue in the cinematic adaptations. To make matters worse, in a flashback scene, the mother’s eyes are shown as brown.<\/p>\n


Top Gun – Aerial Tricks<\/h2>\n

Certainly! The memorable scene you’re referring to is when Maverick and Goose execute a meticulously choreographed aerial maneuver, flying in tandem with one plane positioned upside down.<\/p>\n


This is entirely impossible, and doing it would end in a fatal crash as the back wings of the planes would collide.<\/p>\n


Charlie’s Angels – Getting Names Mixed Up<\/h2>\n

The 2000 film Charlie’s Angels garnered mixed reviews from critics, but it achieved notable success at the box office, proving to be financially lucrative. Crispin Glover played the role of a creepy, slick-haired bad guy in the movie. In one scene, the Angels chase him down and dodge the bullets from his pistol.<\/p>\n


During the fight, there is a moment when Drew unintentionally addresses Lucy by her actual name instead of her undercover alias, Alex.<\/p>\n


Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World’s End – Singapore’s Founding<\/h2>\n

In the movie, the crew of the Black Pearl embarks on a journey to Singapore, where they engage in a thrilling confrontation with the East India Trading Company. However, there is an issue with this plot point. In reality, during the time period depicted in the film, Singapore was not yet under the control of the East India Trading Company.<\/p>\n


Well, the central part about it is very wrong because Singapore wasn’t even founded in the 1700s.<\/p>\n


Movies possess the extraordinary ability to whisk you away to alternate realms, yet they are…<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":44,"featured_media":37171,"comment_status":"open","ping_status":"open","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"footnotes":""},"categories":[1],"tags":[],"class_list":["post-37170","post","type-post","status-publish","format-standard","has-post-thumbnail","hentry","category-general"],"lang":"en","translations":{"en":37170,"es":87772,"pt":87775,"fr":87778,"it":87781},"pll_sync_post":[],"_links":{"self":[{"href":"https:\/\/dev.sciencesensei.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/37170"}],"collection":[{"href":"https:\/\/dev.sciencesensei.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts"}],"about":[{"href":"https:\/\/dev.sciencesensei.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/types\/post"}],"author":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/dev.sciencesensei.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/users\/44"}],"replies":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/dev.sciencesensei.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/comments?post=37170"}],"version-history":[{"count":12,"href":"https:\/\/dev.sciencesensei.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/37170\/revisions"}],"predecessor-version":[{"id":81285,"href":"https:\/\/dev.sciencesensei.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/37170\/revisions\/81285"}],"wp:featuredmedia":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/dev.sciencesensei.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media\/37171"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"https:\/\/dev.sciencesensei.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=37170"}],"wp:term":[{"taxonomy":"category","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/dev.sciencesensei.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/categories?post=37170"},{"taxonomy":"post_tag","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/dev.sciencesensei.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/tags?post=37170"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/api.w.org\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}