Home General Urban Explorers Go Inside Pink Floyd’s Abandoned Mansion
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The allure of abandoned places captivates countless individuals, as they evoke a never-ending sense of intrigue. Even our most magnificent cities would succumb to the relentless forces of nature if humanity were to vanish. Add a celebrity factor to that decay, and you’ve got a viral video on hand. When a group of young people who dedicate much of their free time to exploring abandoned places throughout the world stumbled upon an abandoned mansion that once housed the band Pink Floyd, they weren’t ready for what they’d find inside. The building had ample opportunity to conceal the secrets of its past. As a structure ages, it becomes a witness to a multitude of moments, ranging from joyous to sorrowful, creating a tapestry of experiences over time.

Can This Musician’s Mansion Be Haunted?

It is widely known that rock bands often lead lives that many can only dream of. However, when a courageous group of young individuals stumbled upon Pink Floyd’s deserted mansion, they were in for a startling surprise upon exploring its interior.

Urban Explorers Go Inside Pink Floyd’s Abandoned Mansion
A Haunted Musician’s Mansion?


Getting an inside look at how celebrities live may not be so difficult in the age of social media and reality shows, but once upon a time, music fans could only dream that they’d one day see the inside of a mansion. It was probably better left untouched.

Deep Dive Through Time

Dan Dixon refers to himself as an urban explorer, engaging in what the community calls “urbexing.” Typically gravitating towards urban settings, he and his companions share a deep affinity for the abandoned spaces that have long been forsaken by others.

Urban Explorers Go Inside Pink Floyd’s Abandoned Mansion
Deep Dive Through Time


It’s Dixon’s “passion for history, architecture, and decay” that has determined much of how he spends his free time. It’s also what led him to seek out Hook End Manor in the first place. But the discovery wouldn’t be for his eyes only.

Braving The Abandoned

Dixon was no stranger to traversing places that could easily be considered haunted. One of his initial expeditions shared on his YouTube channel delved into the depths of a cave, where the resting place of over 1000 individuals had been concealed.

Urban Explorers Go Inside Pink Floyd’s Abandoned Mansion
Braving The Abandoned


After removing a sword from its resting place, Dixon felt he’d come under some sort of ancient curse. While stepping foot on the grounds of Hook End Manor, he held a hope that he wouldn’t disturb any spiritual forces, yet uncertainty loomed over him.

Britain’s Spookiest

As Dixon’s experience at urbexing progressed, so too did the number of spooky places he toured. Dixon took great care to document each of these encounters on his YouTube channel, and he soon realized that the more otherworldly an abandoned location appeared, the more captivating it became for his audience.

Urban Explorers Go Inside Pink Floyd’s Abandoned Mansion
Britain’s Spookiest


At the forefront of his videos was his journey through Britain’s version of Area 51. He figured if he could survive that, then he could survive anything Hook End Manor threw at him, but he was bound to be shocked by what he actually found.

Deep Under The Cover Of Darkness

When Dixon turned his attention to exploring Hook End Manor, he made the wise decision to embark on the adventure alongside a group of close friends. It proved to be a smart choice, particularly since they intended to visit the manor during the darkest hours of the night.

Urban Explorers Go Inside Pink Floyd’s Abandoned Mansion
The Cover Of Darkness


It was 4 am when they began their journey, which would take them to the southern English county of Oxfordshire. The group may have preferred to explore in cities, but this trip to the countryside would make a lasting impression.

Down In The Gallows

The selection of Gallowstreet Commons as the path leading to the supposedly vacant manor seemed to be an ironic twist. The name itself hinted at a potentially grim history surrounding the rural estate.

Urban Explorers Go Inside Pink Floyd’s Abandoned Mansion
Down In The Gallows


Though the structure pointed to a rich history, it was the ownership of David Gilmour, one of the guitar players and singers for the band Pink Floyd. The band of explorers expected there may be some cool links to the band, but what they found surpassed their wildest imagination.

The First Elizabeth

The sprawling 11-bedroom manor traced its origins back to Elizabethan England, dating back to the late 16th century. Initially erected to serve as the residence for the Bishop of Reading, its construction was intended to fulfill that purpose.

Urban Explorers Go Inside Pink Floyd’s Abandoned Mansion
The First Elizabeth


The Elizabethan core is still intact, which shows in the central staircase and even the upper bedrooms. It was within several of these rooms that Gilmour would ultimately showcase his distinctive style and artistic flair when he gained ownership of the property, many centuries after its initial construction.

Passing From Hand To Hand

In the 20th century, the manor ceased to be under the dominion of individuals associated with royalty or the church. However, in a different perspective, the realms of significant financial enterprises and music could be considered a form of modern-day royalty in their own right.

Urban Explorers Go Inside Pink Floyd’s Abandoned Mansion
Passing From Hand To Hand


At one point, the mansion was owned by the finance mogul, Charles Clore, before it was handed to Alvin Lee from Ten Years After. In the 20th century, the manor ceased to be under the dominion of individuals associated with royalty or the church.

After The Happily Ever

To everyone’s astonishment, the peculiarities within the mansion escalated even further after David Gilmour relinquished control and handed over the keys to a new proprietor. The takeover by West Side Productions seemed slightly uncommon, but given that it already had the infrastructure of a recording studio, the deal wasn’t entirely unheard of.

Urban Explorers Go Inside Pink Floyd’s Abandoned Mansion
After The Happily Ever


Following the utilization of the space for recording albums by artists like Morrissey and Madness, the production company ultimately made the decision to abandon the manor. The new owner was Trevor Horn, and under his watch, the manor would see some crazy moments.

The Madness Of Music

Trevor Horn, yet another prominent figure in the music industry, resided in Hook End Manor during the previous century. However, it appeared that he took the level of absurdity to new heights during his tenure. He had once been a member of the group The Buggles, who you may recall released the hit “Video Killed The Radio Star.”

Urban Explorers Go Inside Pink Floyd’s Abandoned Mansion
The Madness Of Music


He had once been a member of the group The Buggles, who you may recall released the hit “Video Killed The Radio Star.” He followed up his performance years by becoming a music producer, whose clients included Frankie Goes to Hollywood and Seal.

Comforts Of Home

In contrast to the previous owners who focused on utilizing the installed recording studio, Horn had different intentions. He was more intrigued by the prospect of transforming Hook End Manor into his permanent residence.

Urban Explorers Go Inside Pink Floyd’s Abandoned Mansion
Comforts Of Home


He moved in with his wife Jill Sinclair and their four children in the mid-1990s. It seemed to be the perfect place to play house with his family, but little did Horn know, the property would usher in some irreversible family tragedies.

Shot In The Dark

It remains uncertain whether the Horn family was aware of the complete history of the property they had acquired. However, such knowledge would soon become inconsequential as unforeseen events unfolded within the walls of Hook End Manor during their lifetime.

Urban Explorers Go Inside Pink Floyd’s Abandoned Mansion
Shot In The Dark


While home on break from university, the couple’s son Aaron was practicing with his air rifle, not realizing his mother was in close proximity. In a mere instant, the air rifle unexpectedly discharged, propelling a projectile towards Jill Sinclair’s neck with astonishing speed.

Survival That Was a Bit Tenuous

Jill Sinclair managed to survive the harrowing incident physically, but the repercussions on her mental well-being were profound. The shot struck her precisely where an artery lay, resulting in its rapid severance. The prolonged lack of oxygen would leave Sinclair with lasting brain damage that she never was able to overcome, though it was cancer that ended her time on earth.

Urban Explorers Go Inside Pink Floyd’s Abandoned Mansion
Tenuous Survival


Soon after the unfortunate accident, Horn made the decision to sell the property, looking to distance himself from the haunting memories of that tragic moment. His life had been forever altered within the confines of that house, prompting his choice to move on.

The Man And The Mystery

Currently, it is believed that the manor is under the ownership of Mark White, a British musician who has resided in Russia for the majority of his adult years. White is often considered as an “international man of mystery.”

Urban Explorers Go Inside Pink Floyd’s Abandoned Mansion
The Man And The Mystery


Given the unlikelihood of him spending much time in the mansion himself, the explorers figured it would be like any other abandoned property. Before long, they would come to realize that the interior concealed secrets that exceeded their initial expectations.

Buried In Siberia

Mark White might have been born and raised in Britain, but when it was announced that he’d finally purchased Hook End Manor for $13 million, those who knew him found the news surprising.

Urban Explorers Go Inside Pink Floyd’s Abandoned Mansion
Buried In Siberia


Having been absent from Britain for twenty years, White’s decision to take over the property left everyone unable to fathom his intention to return, particularly considering the peculiar history that lingered within the walls of the estate.

Finding New Purpose

When White ultimately announced his intention to assume ownership of the property, he didn’t seem as interested in the house’s musical past, even though White is well-known in the world of music production.

Urban Explorers Go Inside Pink Floyd’s Abandoned Mansion
Finding New Purpose


Contrary to expectations, White’s objective was not to revive the mansion’s productivity but rather to invest in the dilapidated structure. Unbeknownst to him, this purchase would unleash a series of unforeseen repercussions as the passage of time continued to exert its influence on the ancient dwelling.

A Partial Reviving

It’s not uncommon for real estate investors to begin improving on a new property, even if they never have any intentions of ever using the property. From the start, White’s focus had been on the recording studios that had been installed decades before.

Urban Explorers Go Inside Pink Floyd’s Abandoned Mansion
Reviving Focus


While White aimed to install state-of-the-art sound equipment in the studios, thus enhancing the property’s future value, he paid little attention to the deteriorating state of the remaining house. This neglect inadvertently exposed the hidden secrets within, allowing others to stumble upon them.

Leaving History Behind

In an interview with Red Shark News, White revealed that he was only willing to make minimal cosmetic alterations to Hook End Manor.

Urban Explorers Go Inside Pink Floyd’s Abandoned Mansion
Leaving History Behind


All of his money was spent bringing in new equipment, but he didn’t even bother to update the acoustics of the studios themselves, only the machinery inside. In the interim, he allowed the enigmatic secrets of the past to simmer within the mansion’s walls, awaiting their discovery, which would only occur when Dixon ventured inside.

Crossing The Threshold

Although the adventurous group had selected the location based on rumors of the mansion’s near-abandonment, they harbored doubts regarding their ability to actually gain entry into the building.

Urban Explorers Go Inside Pink Floyd’s Abandoned Mansion
Crossing The Threshold


Their critics may have called it trespassing, but Dixon explained that in the UK trespassing is only a civil offense, not a criminal one. To them, it was worth the risk for a chance to gaze inside such a legendary piece of property.

Sharing His Passion

Similar to Dixon’s tendency to not venture into abandoned spaces entirely on his own, he also possesses a penchant for sharing his discoveries rather than keeping them to himself. With that idea in mind, he started a YouTube channel just to share his exploits with the world.

Urban Explorers Go Inside Pink Floyd’s Abandoned Mansion
Sharing His Passion


Named “Exploring with Fighters,” the channel was launched in January 2017 and swiftly gained popularity among social media users, amassing tens of thousands of subscribers and over 8 million views. The Pink Floyd mansion wouldn’t be an exception.

Eye Opening Experience

Dixon had his camera poised and ready even before stepping foot on the landing. With just a single glance, the group could discern that this was no ordinary abandoned structure. One of the things that always fascinated the urban explorers was how much would get left behind when a building was abandoned by humans.

Urban Explorers Go Inside Pink Floyd’s Abandoned Mansion
Opening Their Eyes


One of the things that always fascinated the urban explorers was how much would get left behind when a building was abandoned by humans. Contrary to their expectations of encountering an empty property, the group was greeted with a striking sight right from the moment of their arrival. The building clearly needed some work, but there was much more in store upstairs.

Lived In

As the explorers made their way through the main level’s entryway, they were confronted with a space that resembled either a living room or a dining room. However, instead of furniture and decor, they found a disarrayed heap of linens scattered about, resembling an unfinished Airbnb undergoing a transition that had been left incomplete.

Urban Explorers Go Inside Pink Floyd’s Abandoned Mansion
Lived In


The men continued onward, wondering which of the owners would have left the home in such a state. The pile of sheets, pillows, and who knows what other linens were just the tip of the iceberg.

Left In Disarray

Proceeding from the entryway, the explorers entered a dining room that was impeccably arranged, as if it was on the verge of hosting an elegant dinner party. However, the illusion was shattered by several open cabinet doors, hinting at a disrupted state of affairs. The disparity between the order of the dining room and the entryway was stark.

Urban Explorers Go Inside Pink Floyd’s Abandoned Mansion
Left In Disarray


The disparity between the order of the dining room and the entryway was stark. Upon reaching the kitchen, however, there was more discord. Preparations had been abandoned halfway through. The house was at once lived in and yet entirely devoid of the care that can only be given by a human.

Gaming, In Theory

It wasn’t solely the kitchen that bore the evidence of abandonment, as if someone had abruptly halted their activities years ago and inadvertently neglected to resume them. The merry band also followed both snooker and pool tables, one of which was set for a game, while the other wasn’t.

Urban Explorers Go Inside Pink Floyd’s Abandoned Mansion
Gaming, In Theory


Furthermore, the previous occupant had also abandoned a game of Scrabble, yet it was not left empty or fully completed; instead, it was left in a state of suspension, as if the players had abruptly departed in the middle of their match. Things were starting to get just a little spooky.

Crumbling Walls

Ascending the stairs, the group discovered an abundance of bedrooms that seemed to stretch on endlessly. To their astonishment, most of these rooms were remarkably well-preserved, which was even more extraordinary considering that the framework of the house had been erected over 500 years ago.

Urban Explorers Go Inside Pink Floyd’s Abandoned Mansion
Bouncing Off The Walls.


In one room, they were struck by the piano sitting against the wall, sheet music ready for a player. Just next to the instrument though was wallpaper that was curling off of the walls. The creep factor would only increase from there.

Lying In Peace

With each cautious step, the urban explorers descended into the cellar. Anticipating a continuation of their previous findings, they were taken aback when they stumbled upon the mansion’s genuine secret concealed within its depths.

Urban Explorers Go Inside Pink Floyd’s Abandoned Mansion
Lying In Peace


Deep within the structure, they found the gravestone of a young boy named Jack who died in 1909, when he was only 7 years old. The perplexing enigma lay in the fact that the final resting place of the deceased was situated within the cellar, rather than being located somewhere amidst the expansive 25 acres of grounds encircling the mansion. This anomaly posed a compelling question that demanded an explanation.

Attracting Attention

The video of their initial exploration, uploaded by Dixon on his YouTube channel, garnered the fascination of thousands of viewers who were captivated by the intriguing footage. The suspense and mystery surrounding the mansion compelled them to watch the video in its entirety. The mansion was so incredible that Dixon decided he had to go back and get a better look at it.

Urban Explorers Go Inside Pink Floyd’s Abandoned Mansion
Attracting Attention


Only this time he would discover it was not so abandoned after all. “The owner just turned up and it’s pretty mad.” Dixon wrote to his followers “[The house is] not abandoned now.” There’s a chance though, that’s only because of Dixon himself.

History In The Making

Considering the escapades that numerous members of the Beatles would later admit to during their prime, it comes as no shock that the walls of the manor might have borne witness to some extraordinary and wild experiences.

Urban Explorers Go Inside Pink Floyd’s Abandoned Mansion
History In The Making


But for music lovers, the property also holds the key to special moments of history, considering Pink Floyd recorded a fair amount of their 1987 album A Momentary Lapse of Reason within the confines of the manor’s walls. The explorers could only hope that the interior held remnants of inspiration, waiting to be discovered and experienced.

The Ultimate Urban Exploration

The group that undertook an unofficial investigation of the property was well-versed in exploring abandoned spaces. In fact, they specifically visited the mansion, valued at $13 million, with the explicit intention of uncovering the extent of its dereliction.

Urban Explorers Go Inside Pink Floyd’s Abandoned Mansion
Getting Out Of Urban


Led by Dan Dixon, the group had made some incredible finds in the course of their explorations, but nothing could have prepared them for what they’d uncover in the mansion that had been formerly owned by David Gilmour.
