While many things “extraterrestrial” seem to be secret, there’s one thing that isn’t a secret: over the last several decades, many people have come forward with their own experiences and footage. It’s as hard as ever to parse out the credible from the incredible. However, with multiple governments from around the world disclosing their own programs to better understand UAP (unidentified anomalous phenomena-formerly “unidentified aerial phenomena”) the general public may be closer than ever to having their existential questions answered. Since 2017, a string of military personnel, with journalist’s assistance, have been able to disclose their experiences with less stigma. It’s time we all take a look at both recent and past events from the last eight decades with less incredulous eyes. Our governments certainly are.

Reagan and Gorbachev Agreed to End Cold War in the Event of an Alien Invasion
The conversation between President Ronald Reagan and General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev about jointly responding to an alien invasion was a remarkable testament to the importance of global cooperation and unity in the face of potential extraterrestrial threats. Recognizing the potential magnitude of such an event, both leaders displayed a forward-thinking perspective. They discussed the need to set aside political differences and work together to protect humanity. Their conversation reflected a profound understanding that the challenges presented by an alien invasion would transcend national boundaries and require a unified response. By fostering this dialogue, Reagan and Gorbachev demonstrated exceptional leadership and vision, emphasizing the significance of international collaboration for the collective well-being of mankind.