In popular culture, the term “tin foil hat” is often used metaphorically to refer to someone who is believed to be paranoid or holding irrational beliefs, particularly conspiracy theories. It originated from the idea that wearing a hat made of aluminum foil could protect a person’s brain from mind control or surveillance by blocking electromagnetic fields. Conspiracy theories are rampant, with some being more popular than others. There have been instances where certain conspiracy theories turned out to be true or partially true, leading some individuals to believe that any conspiracy can be true. However, the statistical reality is that only around 5% of conspiracy theories have any basis in truth, making the remaining 95% unfounded. While it is important to keep an open mind and listen to others, scientific conspiracy theories often involve individuals spouting baseless claims, pretending to be experts in fields like chemistry and biology. Despite the wealth of information available online, people tend to seek out sources that confirm their existing beliefs, reinforcing their misguided notions. While some scientific conspiracy theories can be easily debunked, others require a deeper understanding to disprove. This article aims to dismantle common scientific conspiracy theories by providing the necessary evidence to support rational perspectives.

COVID-19 & Literally Every Conspiracy Surrounding It
- Height Of Conspiracy: 2020-Present
There are several scientific conspiracy theories related to the COVID-19 Pandemic. However, one of the most notable is that the pandemic was the result of a global conspiracy involving most of the world’s governments, pharmaceutical companies, and other major organizations. Of course, this theory is not supported by any actual evidence whatsoever. The scientific consensus is quite clear, in that there is a disease known as COVID-19, and that it has killed millions of people. While one can point to the number of deaths caused specifically by COVID as incorrect, the adjusted numbers aren’t much better.