It seems crazy to believe that there are places on this planet that are so amazing, yet underrated. This could be due to many reasons, such as the areas being relatively old and notable. This makes some question if they are worth going to since everyone knows about them. On the other end, there are times when places are awesome yet most people do not know about them at all. Finally, the problem might just be that we lack an appreciation for these places when they are actually pretty cool. Regardless of why there are many amazing places to visit before you die.
In fact, we know quite a few of these places and feel you really need to know about them too. On our list, you’ll see some places that you may have never heard of before while others you’ll know of. Our list includes some specific locations within a country while others will involve an entire city or nation. When we reference those on the larger end of things, we’ll certainly describe why you should book a trip there as soon as possible. Ultimately, you could call this a bucket challenge list of sorts, because we’d say ALL are great places to visit before you die. Let’s get started!

- Location: United Arab Emirates
While the Middle East was a beacon for amazing art, science, and much more centuries ago…this sadly stopped by the latter periods. They were no longer a place to be, but rather, a place to escape. The United Arab Emirates has been trying to change this for decades now and has managed to succeed quite well with Dubai. It is the most westernized place in the Middle East, making it a great place for both men and women. The country is dramatically updated and they are adding unique buildings often. What’s also great is their interest in technology and other creative territories, making them a must-see location. The city is quite small, but there is so much worth checking out.