This year has been all about staycations and exploring areas close to home. What if you started to dig in your own backyard and discovered something? If you’ve always dreamed of being an archeologist and uncovering something unusual, this could be your chance. You never know what you might find, and you’ll have so much fun doing it. To get started, you’ll need to make sure you have all the tools! Explore your yard with these 20 archaeology products.

A Practical Handbook of Archaeology: A Beginner’s Guide to Unearthing the Past
As your entry to the fantastic world of archeology, this handbook should be the perfect place to start. Let it pique your interest even more in the subject and inspire you to start in your own backyard. It is the ideal new hobby you have been searching for, and there could be something just waiting to be uncovered somewhere in your yard. This book will be your hands-on resource as you make your way through the processes of archaeology as an amateur. It has step-by-step photographs and even shows some amazing excavations from around the world.
J. Thompson says, “I wanted a book that walked me through the thought and physical process of the practice of archaeology. This book is an easy-to-understand format with photos and diagrams. It is, as advertised, a practical handbook. I knew nothing about how a dig went from “hey there might be something here” to plan, organize, layout, and work a dig. Now I feel I have a wealth of information about the entire process, including documenting and preserving the artifacts found.”
Buy the A Practical Handbook of Archaeology: A Beginner’s Guide to Unearthing the Past for $18.34