As human beings, we’re unable to really comprehend the idea of gender and sex properly. The latter is the biological term for what one is born as, while gender is a social term that allows one to identify as whatever one wishes. There are technically three on the biological end for humans: male, female, and intersex. To some, it is wrong to violate our defined concepts of things. This means you’re not supposed to try to switch your gender, you must only have relations with the opposite gender and things of that nature. Yet many humans disagree with this concept… while the animal kingdom outright rejects this narrow view. Mainly because there are many animals that can gender-switch often.
You might have heard the story of the “gay penguin” in the past. While this was not among the animals that can gender-switch, this penguin had a partner of the same gender. Thus, when it came to the normal egg-laying and guarding concept, they used a rock in its place. They went through the same steps they are supposed to biologically but still remained steadfast in their relationship. Examples like this are countless among wildlife. We have gay animals, trans-species, sex-switching animals (for this article, we will be calling it by its official term: hermaphroditism, of which there are various forms), parthenogenetic animals, and much more. While climate change is behind some changes, others happen randomly. This article is all about those special animal species that “pridefully” do as they please.

Spotted Snow Skink
The Spotted Snow Skink has to be one of the most fascinating animal species in the world. We’re finding out more and more about them all the time. In 2022, new research uncovered that these skinks can sometimes be born anatomically male but remain genetically female. Surprisingly, this is 100% due to temperature. This is actually happening quite a lot among reptiles and even amphibians. This role reversal is said to be due to the climate crisis, as temperatures have been rising more and more each year. As a result, animals are having to modify their very bodies. As evolution teaches us, only the strong survive. That means one must adapt or die, and it seems the Spotted Snow Skink has found a way to adapt.